Traffic Flow and Procedures
AM Drop Off
Students MAY NOT ARRIVE AT SCHOOL BEFORE 8:00 AM. Supervision is provided in the MPR at 8:00 AM. For
Child care before school please contact Right at School Program (626) 684-0221.
Dismissal Times
- M, T, TH, F:
- Students in grades TK and K, are dismissed at 2:35 pm
- Grades 1 through 5 are dismissed at 2:45 pm
- TK and K are dismissed at 1:25 pm
- Grades 1 through 5 are dismissed at 1:35 pm
- AUSD Collaboration Days
- TK and K are dismissed at 11:30 am
- Grades 1 through 5 are dismissed at 11:40 am
- Minimum Days
- K and K are dismissed at 12:25 pm
- Grades 1 through 5 are dismissed at 12:35 pm
Please help us ensure the safety of our students and staff by following safe driving practices around our school. In order to keep the traffic moving in a safe and efficient manner, we need your help with the following:
- If you are walking onto campus, we ask that you park your vehicle on neighborhood streets and use the sidewalks and crosswalks and follow instructions from the crossing guard and staff.
- Walkers must use the crosswalks located at the corners of the campus.
- The speed limit in the drive-through is 5 mph and all streets surrounding the school are 25 mph when children are present (however slower is even better). BE AWARE OF YOUR SPEED!
- DO NOT PARK IN ANY STREET SPACE THAT IS MARKED RED. Also, DO NOT park and leave your car in the carline area at any time. Parking spaces are reserved for STAFF ONLY.
- The drive-through is one-way only and is a single lane except to exit around a car.
- During the morning drop off and afternoon pick up, ALL CARS MUST APPROACH THE DRIVE-THRU FROM LONGLEY WAY AND WOODRUFF AVE. There is no left turn into the carline from LAS TUNAS. U-turns are not allowed in drop-off zones.
- If you will be using the carline for drop off and pick up, please pull forward as far as you can to keep the flow of traffic moving. Make sure your car is in the drop-off zone and has come to a complete stop before your child enters and exits the car on the passenger side only. In the morning be careful of the safety patrols helping with opening car doors. Wait for all children to be on the sidewalk when pulling away.
- Please do not exit your vehicle to assist your child while in the carline or open your trunk for loading/unloading. If you need to exit your vehicle, assist your child, or load items in your trunk, we ask that you park and walk up to pick up your child.
- Please be sure NOT to walk across the street in front of the school (children and adults alike)! Instead, use the crosswalks located at all corners of the school.
- To help us identify and locate students quicker at dismissal, please have your 8 x 11 sign visible on your dashboard with your child’s first name, last name and teacher’s name.
- Please keep the crosswalk clear for pedestrians and always obey the crossing guards. They are there to ensure safety.
MOST IMPORTANTLY – Always be courteous and patient for the safety of our children.